Clearing out and packing
Here is the closet in the guest room that I cleared out yesterday for our house-sitter. I thought she deserved some space for her things. I hope this will be adequate. I moved stuff from this closet into the other two closets in the other two bedrooms on this floor, and also moved a few things to the basement. I threw out a bunch of old magazines that were taking up space in my closet. I was ruthless and just tossed them all--well almost all--into the recycling bin. I did save the old needlework magazines. Old needlework patterns and ideas last longer than old decorating ideas, though when I saw the magazine cover showing ideas for blue and white decorating I almost set it aside to hang on to--before tossing it in with the rest. I was ruthless, as I said. And here are the books, maps CD's etc. that I have chosen to take. For now. That could change when I find out how much will fit in my suitcase. There is so much information available on-line these days, that you don't need th