Spring 2009 Travel-Gnomes, Caravaggio, Roman ruins etc.

I have been traveling again and have lots of photos, but have not had the time to sort them and put them together in any coherent way, so I thought I'd just do a quick update and hope to get to the photos still before another trip. In May we flew to Frankfurt, Germany, spent a night then flew to Wrocław, Poland , where we spent 2 1/2 days, then back to Frankfurt and from there to Rome , for a week. It was our first trip to Rome and we tried to do it all. But our real mission there was to see as many paintings by Caravaggio as we could. We were pretty successful there. We did see 24, which is almost all that are on view to the public. One or two were on tour, so we missed those and there is a ceiling he painted, which is in a house that is only open one day a month. I couldn't find out this information before we left home. It turns out the house was open on the day we arrived, but we didn't know it then. When we got there the next day we found out we had missed it. W...