Cigarette Pie and other yummy things

We ate at a restaurant/museum on top of one of the hills of Ankara. We were taken here by two wonderful Turkish women, sisters. You enter the restaurant and go through some rooms that are really a museum devoted to the traditional home in Turkey and food preparation in the traditional way. The door to the restaurant is just below those flags. Here are some dolls set in an interior. Here we are crossing another room. We climbed two flights of stairs, I think to get to the dining room. This is another display in one of the rooms we went through. Here a woman is rolling out some dough into a flat pancake. We got to try this. It looked like a quesadilla with cheese between layers of phillo dough. Yummm. Here's what one looked like just after being grilled. This is taken looking out a window. That balcony is used for seating when it's nicer out. And finally here we are at our table. We had a view overlooking Ankara. At times we saw cats...