Happy Holidays!

December is always a busy month for me. I like to decorate the house, so that gets done first, then we always host a party for my husband's colleagues, so that's next. We had the party last Friday and now I have some time to bake, shop, wrap gifts and write cards and notes. Because it's important to get things mailed early, I have some packages ready to mail first thing Monday morning.

This is the table in the family room set for 8. It's a narrow table, so with the chargers there wasn't room for a centerpiece.
This is the table in the dining room. I have used the gold chargers in here before, but decided to change things around this year. We had 10 in this room. The table expands to seat up to 14, but 10 was enough. I always use cloth napkins when I have company. I enjoy finding new ways to fold them. These are some that I believe belonged to my grandmother or great aunt. I don't think they were used much, though before I acquired them. I use them and wash and iron them. I don't do tablecloths, though. My tablecloths are mostly easy-care.

If you want to see pictures of my home decorated for the holidays, take a look here. I was in Norway in June and have had a collection of things Norwegian for a while now, which worked themselves into my decor this year. Growing up we always had Norwegian cookies, breads, flötegröt, sylte, and more during the holidays, so that's when we would remember our Norwegian heritage. So I guess displaying my Norwegian things at Christmas fits in with remembering my heritage and family at this time of year. (I'm 1/4 Norwegian and 1/4 Swedish.)

I wish you a most joyous holiday season, spent with the ones you love, full of laughter, good times all the things you like best!!


Britt-Arnhild said…
Thanks for the link to your house decorated for Christmas.
It is fabulous.
Maureen said…
Ceci, a joy as always to see your beautiful holiday treasures. I think I love that little tree on the trunk best, but your tables are always a lovely sight to behold as well! Merry Christmas to you. Glad to see that Autumm In Paris will continue! The name has such allure!
Alice R. said…

Your house looks beautiful, as usual. Hope you Jim and the boys have a great holiday. Thanks again for your kindness and hospitality in Paris.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Janet said…

Thanks for stopping by my blog today and for leaving me your kind comments. I read that you love snow and we are having more than our fair share of it so far this year. I just got done shoveling thru the crust for about 50' to fill the bird feeders and put some seed on the ground for the groundfeeders. Now I feel like I need a nap:>).
Judy said…
Hello Cecile! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm in Montgomery, Alabama in the Heart of Dixie. I will be posting some photos tonight or tomorrow of some neat things here. Check back for a few photos of good old Montgomery.
PAT said…
Good Morning, Ceci! Just stopping by to wish you a very Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas Cecilie.
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