Walking the streets of Paris - It's all good

My favorite activity here is just walking the streets. :-)

I overheard an American ask a guard for directions. The place he asked for was far enough away that the guard couldn't give him complete directions, just pointed in the general direction he should go. The man was pulling a suitcase, but the woman with him wasn't. I wondered where they were going with just one suitcase. No one travels that light these days. I asked him if he wanted to look at a map. I always have a map with me. But he responded "Oh we have a map. We're just too lazy to look at it." Then he added "It really doesn't matter. It's all good." I thought that was a good observation, but he was pulling a suitcase. If I were pulling a suitcase I would want to get rid of it and get out walking without it as soon as possible.

But it's true that here in Paris It's all good. I haven't found an area yet that I didn't feel comfortable in. Sometimes I choose not to go down a certain street because there is a lot of construction on it, which blocks the sidewalk, or because the architecture is mostly post war or between the wars-boring concrete. Those streets are rare, however and I find almost any street I choose has some hidden surprise or interesting shop to recommend it.

So, I have put together some photos of some of the streets I've walked the past few weeks
on this page--Streets of Paris.


PAT said…
Ceci, thank you for the walk around Paris. I enjoy them all!

I just came back from Paris walking on my lunch break! That was fabulous and you are so very thoughtful to post the pics and commentary, Ceci. I took my time as I strolled, gazing up at the windows, looking at the cobblestones and wondering about their history. How clean the streets all are! Cool to see the fountain and other historical items of architecture. You provided a real delight for me today! More, more!
Cécile said…
Pat, Rose thanks so much. Yu guys are the best! I appreciate your taking time to let me know you enjoy my photos. It is getting harder to find time to post them.

Rose they come through the streets on a regular basis and hose them down. And today I walked past some guys installing those cobblestones. They still do that here, though not everywhere.
Anonymous said…
It is all good - wish I was in Paris :-)

Hope you are fine.
Anonymous said…
Ceci - I'm loving reading your blog! I've always wanted to see Paris and maybe next year I'll get there. Planning a 'milestone' birthday with a few very old and dear friends and we're currently discussing the possiblity of going to Paris! We were thinking spring but by the looks of your pictures, autumn is a fine time to go also. How wonderful for you to spend so much time there - enjoy every minute (although I sense you are!)
Cécile said…
Britt-Arnhild, Thank you for visiting again and commenting. I'm having a great time here.

Celia, I'm trying. I get out as much as I can. Jim's going out with me today into the city. We haven't done that in a while, since we were out of town a couple weeekends.

Thanks for you kind comments. You'll love Paris at almost any time of year. The fall really is lovely. There are more flowers bloming in the fall.

Anonymous said…
Oh, Ceci, you make me so nostalgic. I've even shopped at that Monoprix. No, not all of them have groceries. I miss la belle Paris!

Jill (CanOBeans)
Cécile said…
Hi Jill! I remember how much you enjoyed living here. I wish we could stay longer, but am trying to get in as much as I can while we are here. I hope to get back in the future, but I don't know if we'll ever live here again. Maybe?

Thanks for stopping in!

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