Use what you have decorating

This should be the last attic post.  I’ll try to get more travel pictures in the next few posts. We are leaving tomorrow for Le Havre, Etretat, Honfleur, Houlgate, Dives sur Mer, etc. We’ll be back Tuesday or Wednesday. It’s a short trip.

But yesterday we bought a few things for this room , so I did a little arranging today.  This room was a blank slate.  I figured I could do whatever I wanted here, but really didn’t want to spend much money on it and wanted to use the furniture we had.  That consisted of three items that were black metal—a bed, a futon bench and a clothes organizer.  So we started by moving those three items into the room. After much scanning images on the internet, I decided I wanted a brown and turquoise color scheme. I wanted a brown futon with turquoise accent pillows and lamps.

We came home with a black futon, because brown wasn’t available.  I also couldn’t find any turquoise lamp shades for the little lamps we have, but I did find two turquoise pillows (3 Euros each).  We also planned to get a couple light fixtures, but that was confusing and I didn’t see anything I liked well enough to pay the price on it.  So we came home with a temporary solution—two paper shades.

And once home I realized that the afghan in the living room was perfect for the futon and pillows, so it went up to that room.  Here are the pictures. 

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I put the sofa here, because it faces the window, which doesn’t show in the photo. If you sit in the futon you can see out the window.  If we make it up as a bed, we would move it to the far wall.

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We may figure out how to drop the lamp shade lower some day. The afghan is one my mother crocheted, which Marta brought over in October.

attic room deco 2 003_1_1

The funny little end tables were in the second bedroom. They are made of wood slats, fabric and cardboard. They might weigh 2 or 3 pounds each.  If we could get some nice plywood cut to the size of the tops, we could make them flat and somewhat usable. The little lamps are too small, but they were here too, so they ended up in this room for now. I’m not sure if they’ll stay.

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The other side of the room.  That little lamp was removed. I was going to put the shades on that one and its twin, but then decided to go with the other two. I have 4 lamps and 3 shades. They are all pretty small.

I had some matching bedding for the twin bed and some towels in turquoise, so put them on the shelves here. I think that organizer will work well for guests. There is room to hang a few things and the shelves and that’s about all most travelers want. If the guest or guests are using the futon as a bed, this bed would work fine to hold suitcases.

And now, for the people who have been here and seen the ugly hallway outside the door, look at what it looks like now!

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The carpet here was tan and stained. Strangely, the workmen put the laminate right on top of the carpet. I don’t know if that was a good idea, but it seems fine.

The bathroom door is just to the right in this photo. The tiles in there are turquoise.

I would sound a lot smarter if I said I used the afghan to plan my color scheme around, knowing that it would coordinate with the aqua tiles in the bathroom. Yeah, that’s what I did—exactly.


Well hopefully I’ll have more travel pictures to share soon.


James Riehl said…
I like it! Great job. It's a very inviting guest room now, somewhat more so than when it all bare beams and steel rods.
Ken Stanley said…
Makes me want to come back. It looks quite delightful and european. My only fear is that Zofia may get this room instead of us. :)

Unknown said…
The couch looks great! And I love how it can double as a bed when you need that extra space. The actual bed on the other hand, is placed kinda awkwardly, if I may say so. Someone will get quite a bump if he suddenly sits up after just waking up. A sofa bed might be a good alternative for that, so it’s quite lower than the usual ones. Plus it folds up nicely for storage, and is an extra couch to boot.

Ling Mancil
Keaton Oakes said…
Or you could switch the location of the couch and the bed, but then the couch will be too close to the door. You could shorten the bed’s legs, I guess. That should make it less prone to bumping on the inclined area of the room.

Love the two skylights. That should remove the need for lighting during daytime, plus it could provide a good breeze in the evening. That’s two utilities saved! Haha!

That shelf looks nice. It isn’t bulky like most closets, and you can easily see what’s piled up on it. The guests will definitely appreciate that.

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