
I spent a lovely 6 days in London in mid-November.  Jim was working most of the time, so I walked around by myself, rode the underground and buses, toured a palace and a couple museums, had lunch with a friend and met some knitters.  It was a pretty full week.

Big ben

The weather was not bad at all for London in November.  We had some sunny days and some overcast, but very little rain. We always enjoy seeing Big Ben, because the year that we lived in London the tower was covered in scaffolding and we never saw it at all. I walked around the area near the houses of parliament and Westminster one sunny morning.


Here’s a bit of an old sign on a small street in Westminster.

white house

I love the white painted houses in some areas of London.



I went out to Fulham to have lunch with a friend. After lunch I walked along the Thames walk to the Bishops palace in Fulham. This is a gate at the back of the palace.

dog sign

This sign was on the Thames walk. Anyone want to try to translate?

There are more pictures of Westminster, Fulham and Greenwich on this page.

Kensington pal gar

Our hotel was near Hyde Park and Kensington Palace Gardens. I walked through the park and took a tour of the palace one morning.  This is part of the private gardens belonging to Kensington Palace. A wing of the palace is open to the public.  The palace had fallen into disrepair during the reign of Queen Victoria, but she had it repaired and turned into an art museum. Other royals have lived in it since then and it has been renovated several times. Here is more about Kensington palace. Apparently they are working on new gardens and a tea house that will be open to the public.

Kensington pal gate

They didn’t allow pictures inside, but I took this one looking out one of the windows of the palace. The tour was interesting.  I commented on it on this web page.


Julie said…
Ceci, what a treat to be able to ramble around London, and how nice that the weather cooperated! I love your photos, especially the one of the atrium of the British Museum.
Anonymous said…
Looks great.
Cécile said…
Thanks, Dan and Julie. Dan how is that bicycle working out for you. Are you still riding it in the colder weather?


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