Warm Holiday Wishes to all!

A photo of a park near my house.  We got some snow today for the first time this year.


We are back home in Duluth, but just for one more day.  We have made a brief stop of 12 days here, will be spending the holidays in California with our sons, then be back here for New Years and then start out on our next big adventure.


We are going around the world in 80 days!   I will try to blog from each of the locations we stop at.  We will be in Beijing and Kunming, China; Osaka, Japan; Delhi, India; Istanbul, Turkey; Rio and Recife, Brazil, and Normandy, France.


In the mean time,

I'd like to wish you all a very happy holiday season. Keep warm, enjoy your friends and family, eat well and stay healthy!


Julie said…
Have a very Merry Christmas, Ceci! I know your New Year will be wonderful, with that around the world trip up ahead. I'm looking forward to following your travels on the blog.
Cécile said…
Thanks Julie, Merry Christmas to you. I hope I can keep the blog up during our travels.
Mary Ruth said…
Ceci, How EXCITING! I wish for you that your trip goes smoothly! How wonderful to be traveling together around the world!

Maybe its time to get your own jet! LOL
I love reading your commentaries and seeing your pics, Ceci. Thank you for taking the time to write such lovely and informative stories about your travels. Who in their lifetime gets the opportunity to travel the world in 80 days? So wonderful that you have this opportunity. Wishing you happy, safe travels! I'll be reading.
Cécile said…
Mary Ruth, thanks for the well wishes.

Rose, I was in your neighborhood almost, yesterday. See my next post. I thought about you, but we didn't have any time to spare. Some day I'll come out to California and actually have time to look you up.

Thanks for the kind words.

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