Day 1–- suite

Here are a couple photos taken at the end of the day yesterday.

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They are tucking insulation behind the metal bars they put up.

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Here’s the view out the skylight. I think I climbed up on the lower rung of the ladder to take this. You can see what a nice day it was yesterday. We had some rain this morning, but the sun is out now.

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I spent some time in the garden yesterday. It was quite cool in the shade, but quite warm in the sun.  I got overheated after a short time working in the sun.  Here are a few shots from the garden.

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A few of the pots that Alice planted on the corner near the house.

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I think there’s something charming about the profusion of forget-me-nots in front of the old outhouse door.  The picture would have come out better on an overcast day, but we seem to have sunshine or rain.

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I snapped this photo of a bird at the feeder that Alice put up. I think this is a Rouge Gorge familier, or a European Robin.

And finally the drapes that I ordered from Country Curtains and brought over. They are just a bit long, so we still have to figure out what to do about that.

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The workmen carried two more skylights upstairs this morning.  I don’t know what they are going to do with 2 more.


Cara said…
Wow, I love the new curtains! They go so well with the room and your beautifully rosemailed fireplace pannel. Can't wait to see more progress on the attic, I love attic rooms. Is it going to be turned into another bedroom?
Cécile said…
Yes, it will be a guest bedroom. We may make this one the primary guestroom and the other one a study unless it is needed as a second guestroom.
Heidi said…
OK I get it now. I see where the panel is. And Alice's flower additions are beautiful too.
Cheryl said…
The curtains are perfect. I like the look a lot, with the wall color and the rest of your room. I'm eager to see your progress in the attic also. This is more fun than HGTV.

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