Car Wash

We're back home in Duluth, now.

We were supposed to return our car clean, so we took it to a car-wash on our way back to Paris.

This one is not far from our village.

Wherever we went in this car we were stared at. We finally realized it was our red license plate, which is unusual. We leased this car, which I guess is why it has a red license plate. 

While you are at the car wash, you might as well also wash your comforters or whatever you have that's too big for your home washer.

They have two big washers with an 8 and 18 kilo capacity, and one dryer. 

And then while you are waiting, why not enjoy a pizza?

The sign says that on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday you can buy one and get one free. Here is a close-up of the menu of pizzas.

Being a huge cheese-lover, I would have to go for the 4-cheese one (Mozzarella, Goat cheese, Blue and Camembert). Some of the other choices are Chicken, potatoes, bacon, cream; Ground beef, potatoes, onions, olives; Mozzarella, mushrooms, shrimp, mussels, tuna; and Smoked salmon, shrimp, parsley, lemon. So there you go something for everyone.

What they are lacking here is a picnic table. you would have to stand and eat your pizza. I think that is a major oversight. 


Patrick said…
If this were in America, the whole thing would be and comforter get clean while your pizza is in the oven, then they deliver it to your window. But it's pretty convenient, I guess.
The Wife! said…
i would like a drive through laundry mat. this way i can convince Patrick to let me send the sleeping bag to wash there... cool concept.. i like it

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