Le Canal St. Martin

On Friday I decided to go visit the Canal St. Martin. I knew of it first from the movie Amelie, then from Google maps, then I found these boat tours on the canal and thought that sounded like fun, so I decided to take one. I wrote about it on this page.


Anonymous said…
I loved my trip along the Canal St. Martin with you, Ceci! I totally lose myself in your descriptions and feel that I'm right there with you. The "skylights" and the park are so interesting, and your photos of the water, people and places are gorgeous. Thank you for sharing this so beautifully!
paintergal said…
I just love the architecture of the grand old buildings and structures. What a great place to visit. Your apartment looks cozy too!
PAT said…
Like Rose said...I get lost in your descriptions and photos.

Thank you, Ceci!

Cécile said…
Thanks so much, all of you. It's nice to know someone is reading this blog.

Maureen said…
Ceci- this is all so beautiful and fun to see through your virtual eyes! Please keep the blog rolling! It's a great way to journal your trip!
Anonymous said…
Oh, lovely photos.
I am dreaming of Paris.
Unknown said…
Thank you for your great article. Very well written, much appreciated. Thanks a lot for sharing. . .
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