Le Marché

There are still public markets all over France. There is one 2 blocks from here on Wednesdays and Fridays. We arrived here on a Tuesday and I visited the market Wednesday, Saturday and again on Wednesday, so 3 times in the first 8 days here. I took the picture above on my first visit. Then I took some more pictures this week, which I have put on another page. Market photos.
I can buy most types of food at the market - produce, meat, prepared foods, cheese, but not canned or frozen or packaged foods. Also you can buy clothes, underwear, lingerie, toys, scarves, trinkets, and other things there. I need to go to a store today for kleenex, paper towels, plastic bags and milk, but I've got food in the house to last me for a while.


PAT said…
Ceci, I enjoyed your trip to the market. Absolutely beautiful photos!

Anonymous said…
Lucky you to have a close by market to shop from :-)
Alice R. said…

Beautiful pictures, as usual. Glad you're having such a great time.

Maureen said…
Ceci, I very much enjoy reading about your many travels and loved cathing up with your latest venture in France. Lucky you! Looking forward to more photos. I'd love if you'd consider une petit mot en Francais on occasion- if only to serve as a refresher for me!
Unknown said…
Truly it is very nice to read this kind of blogs, you really share interesting post. Thanks for posting…
Car transportation in Bhilai.

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